Preventing Medical Errors Assessment – PSA

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Preventing Medical Errors Assessment – PSA

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1. A root cause  analysis is considered credible by JCAHO when:

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2. A near miss (close call) is a sentinel event that has been thwarted as the result of good back or the highly astute insight of a healthcare provider who acted to prevent it.

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3. The education of the healthcare consuming  public is essential to the prevention of medical errors

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4. At least one corrective action plan must be implemented for each and every contributory root cause analysis.

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5. A medication error is:

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6. Recommendations from IOM committee include:

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7. About sentinel events, it is true:

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8. The primary reason that medical errors must be prevented is because they:

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9. The following groups are at risk for medical errors:


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10. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) as many as 100,000 people in the U.S. die from preventable medical injuries.

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11. The most frequently occurring sentinel events reported to Joint  Commission are:

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12. The key to reducing medical errors is to focus on improving the systems and not to blame individuals.

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13. Adverse events include:

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14. According to Joint Commission, a medical error is:

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15. In regard to root cause  analysis (RCA), it is true that:

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