IV Conscious Sedation Assessment – PSA


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IV Conscious Sedation Assessment – PSA

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1. The main purpose often incident report is to:

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2. Narcan reverses:

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3. After the initial dose of Versed, the next administered dose can be repeated in:

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4. The area of exchange between the blood and inspired air is the:

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5. Treatment of laryngospasm can include all of the following except:

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6. Objectives for the patient receiving IVCS include:

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7. The most common cause of upper airway obstruction  is:

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8. Proper management of a patient receiving IV conscious sedation includes one RN to monitor and/or inject IV medications, and the presence of the physician.

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9. Romazicon reverses benzodiazepines which are:


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10. Ventricular fibrillation:

  1. Can be mimicked by artifact on the monitor
  2.  May produce a palpable pulse
  3. Results in cessation of cardiac output
  4. Should be treated with prompt defibrillation

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11. Minimal monitoring parameters for the nurse responsible  for monitoring/administering IVCS include:

  1. Blood pressure
  2. Respiratory rate
  3. Oxygen saturation
  4. Skin condition

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12. Aspiration of gastric contents:

  1. Is potentially lethal
  2. May occur during CPR even when performed correctly
  3. May follow removal of au esophageal airway
  4. May follow removal of an endotracheal tube

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13. Romazicon can be given IVP, the initial dose should be:


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14. When correctly sedated, patients will be:

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15. An allergic reaction can include erythema and wheals, especially of the face.


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16. An oropharyngeal airway may:

  1. Occlude the esophagus
  2.  Hold the tongue away from the rear wall of the pharynx
  3.  Intubate the trachea
  4.  Obstruct the airway

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17. The total recommended dose of IV Versed should not exceed:

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18. Versed is commonly used for NCS. The initial dose should be:

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19. IVCS medications may be injected by all of the following except:


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20. The total recommended dose of Romazicon is:

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21. Which of the following drugs are most likely to facilitate electrical conversion from ventricular fibrillation to an effective rhythm:

  1. Oxygen
  2. Sodium Bicarbonate
  3. Epinephrine
  4.  Procainamide

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22. Appropriate documentation includes:

  1. ASA classification
  2. Patient allergies
  3. Outcomes/evaluation
  4. Oxygen saturation
  5. LOC

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23. A standard is:

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24. Nursing interventions for obstruction include the following:

  1. Stimulation
  2. Chiu tilt or jaw thrust
  3. Oral or nasal airway
  4. Turning patient on side

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25. Which of the following should be included in a risk assessment?

  1. Trained staff
  2. Knowledge and use of drug
  3. Established protocols for conscious sedation
  4. Quality improvement monitoring

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