Proper Operating Room Attire and Practices Assessment – PSA

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Proper Operating Room Attire and Practices – PSA

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1. It is ok to use disposable brushes more than once if they are in good condition

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2. Evidence shows that increased bacterial counts on skin surfaces when jewelry is worn.

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3. If I am not aware of the LCHPSC policy, it is available in Policy manager. Since we follow manufacturer recommendations, they are also written on the surgical scrub brush/sponge packaging

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4. In order to conserve PPE, masks may be worn dangling at anytime

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5. Clorhexidine gluconate (CGH) is an acceptable antimicrobial cleansing agent

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6. Appropriate attire for the restricted area is:

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7. Who is responsible for proper function, maintenance and Infection prevention in the OR

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8. Proper surgical attire is worn depending on the area

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9. Shoe covers protect from blood and fluid, and must be removed before leaving the OR suite

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10. OR scrubs should not be worn in the hospital facility outside the OR area without a clean lab coat or appropriate cover up over them

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11. Washing surgical attire at home is acceptable as long as one gets permission from the hospital

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12. It is OK to leave OR supplies in their original carton box container on the floor in the OR

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13. The proper fingernail length for OR personnel is________, and artificial nails are prohibited in the perioperative setting.

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14. Since it is cold in the OR, an employee may choose to wear regular clothing under the scrubs

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15. It is not necessary to keep sterile field attended at all times and covered if not used immediately

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16. Since Residents and Reps are not OR employees, they do not have to follow our policy and procedures

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17. Hair removal shall not be performed in the surgical suite to prevent contaminating the surgical site and surgical field and razors should never be used for the removal of hair

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18. Briefcases, backpacks, and other personal items are allowed in the semi-restricted and restricted areas

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19. All facial and head hair is required to be covered at all times within the surgical suite

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20. If the temperature or humidity does not record within the required ranges, the employee should immediately

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