Ischemic Stroke Assessment – PSA

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Ischemic Stroke Assessment – PSA

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1 / 10

1. An endovascular thrombectomy may be performed up to 24 hours from last known well (LKW)

2 / 10

2. Hypertension and physical inactivity are not considered risk factors for stroke.

3 / 10

3. The NIHSS, a major tool in the assessment of the stroke patient.

4 / 10

4. Out of the approximately 795,000 people in the United States that experience stroke, approximately 87% are ischemic.

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5. An 87 year old male came to hospital complaining of Left sided weakness, he has a history of atrial fibrillation, currently on anticoagulants. Prior to coming to hospital he fell. His CT of brain showed no bleed.  He would be a candidate for IV thrombolytic.

6 / 10

6. The maximum score for the NIHSS is:

7 / 10

7. It is important that one gets the last know well from the patient in order to establish time the administration of IV thrombolytic.

8 / 10

8. If the patient is aphasic, you would suspect, the area of injury to the patient was:

9 / 10

9. DVT prophylaxis is required for all patients admitted with stroke.

10 / 10

10. The patient with acute ischemic stroke that was given IV thrombolytic therapy may be  a candidate for endovascular thrombectomy if continues to show S&S of LVO

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