Annual Package Assessment – PSA

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Annual Package Assessment - PSA

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1 / 75

1. All patients must be listed in the hospital's patient directory.

2 / 75

2. The Deficit Reduction Act provides an incentive to States to enact the false claims acts in the form of an increase of 10% points in its share of any amounts recovered.

3 / 75

3. Affirmative Duty is the legal obligation of hospital employees to report adverse incidents to the Risk manager.

4 / 75

4. EMTALA obligations end when the patient has been admitted as an inpatient.

5 / 75

5. When an external or internal disaster is called, ALL employees on duty should:

6 / 75

6. A plan designed to eliminate or minimize employee exposure to blood pathogens:

7 / 75

  1. Failure to report incidents may result in a $5,000 fine for non willful violations

8 / 75

8. Complying with good body mechanics means:

9 / 75

9. The purpose of decontamination is:

10 / 75

10. All of these are examples of health care fraud except:

11 / 75

11. The following statements describe the Performance Improvement Process used at Larkin Community hospital Palm Springs Campus:

12 / 75

12. Who is the Compliance Officer?

13 / 75

13. The SDS has the following Information:

14 / 75

14. The hospital must provide a medical screening examination when a request is made to determine if the patient has an emergency medical condition, regardless of a person's ability to pay.

15 / 75

15. EMTALA means Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Law commonly known as Patient anti Dumping Act

16 / 75

16. According to Larkin Community Hospital Palm Springs Campus philosophy, the quickest way to communicate high standards of care to our patients, visitors and employees is by providing a ____ environment:

17 / 75

17. As a healthcare worker you have an ethical obligation to keep patient information confidential.

18 / 75

18. Preventing falls is an important safety measure and applies to everyone

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19. A call for personnel to assist with a aggressive patient is paged as:

20 / 75

20. All employees required to maintain their own educational records, and to provide a copy of all continuing education activities to their department director for their file

21 / 75

21. It is considered fraud if claims are submitted for items or services that are not provided.

22 / 75

22. If an employee is uncomfortable with providing a certain aspect of care, he/she should:

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23. At Larkin Community Hospital Palm Springs Campus, all incident reports must be submitted to Risk management within:

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24. The word "RACE" stands for:

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25. CDC recommends that in addition to Standard/ Universal precautions, healthcare Workers utilize transmission based (isolation) precautions, these precautions include Airborne, Contact & Droplet.

26 / 75

26. How is Tuberculosis spread?

27 / 75

27. If gloves are worn, it is still necessary to wash your hands after you remove them.

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28. Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the transmission of an infection.

29 / 75

29. A hazardous material is:

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30. The drug and Alcohol Policy of Larkin Community Hospital Palm Springs Campus helps to maintain a work environment free of all but the following:

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31. Standard Precautions means to treat every patient as if they are infected.

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32. Two (2) main purposes of the employee badge are for Identification & Clocking In & Out.

33 / 75

33. The Compliance policies are found in Policy Manager

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34. It is mandatory to formulate Advance Directives at Larkin Community Hospital Palm Springs Campus.

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35. The code name for a fire is:

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36. Employees that receive subpoenas at home that are hospital related should:

37 / 75

37. It is the policy of Larkin Community Hospital to give equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to all but the following:

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38. Penalties for HIPAA violations include civil & criminal penalties, fines and/or jail time.

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39. A Sentinel Event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury.

40 / 75

40. The ABC Fire Extinguisher:

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41. What do the letters S.D.S stand for?

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42. Whose responsibility is it to maintain current licensure or credentials needed for your position?

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43. Any employee who violates our privacy policies is subject to reprimand up to and including termination.

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44. Florida Statute 395.0197 requires at least 1 hour of education and training on risk management and risk prevention annually.

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45. The Compliance Code of Conduct only applies to Larkin's owners and directors

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46. A disposable particulate RESPIRATOR/mask called a N95 is required for the Healthcare worker, whenever in close contact with a known or suspected Tuberculosis patient?

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47. What are 2 items used to identify patients at risk for falls?

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48. An incident report must be completed for any event not consistent with routine operational procedure.

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49. The first group of people to be evacuated in a fire is:

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50. Which adverse incidents are reported by the Risk Manager to AHCA within 15 calendar days after its occurrence:

51 / 75

51. PPE means:

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52. The fire extinguisher nozzle should be aimed at:

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53. When a faulty equipment is encountered, the staff responsibility is to:

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54. The Mission statement of Larkin Community Hospital Palm Springs Campus is:

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55. To report an emergency dial:

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56. EMTALA requires all these except:

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57. Which of the following does NOT have to be included in an accounting of disclosures?

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58. Under which of the following situations are you allowed to repeat, to other personnel, health information you overheard while conducting your job?

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59. Hepatitis B vaccine is offered free of charge to those whose job task includes the potential risk of exposure to blood and body fluids.

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60. Which statement is the best definition of Standard/Universal Precautions?

61 / 75

61. The standards set in the Compliance Code of Conduct are mandatory and must be followed.

62 / 75

62. What is our performance improvement Methodology?

63 / 75

63. Incident Reports are:

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64. Frequent rounding is one way to prevent patient falls.

65 / 75

65. General lifting rules include:

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66. A Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic way of examining a process before an occurrence for possible ways in which failure can occur. It assumes that no matter how knowledgeable or careful people are, errors will occur in some situations.

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67. A root cause analysis (RCA) is conducted any time a sentinel event occurs. The purpose of the RCA is to identify the basic or root cause of a process

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68. What information can be released about a patient if they have chosen not to be listed in the patient directory?

69 / 75

69. Sexual Harassment is all but the following:

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70. A Code Blue is:

71 / 75

71. How can puncture wounds be avoided?

72 / 75

72. Patients can request amendments to their medical records.

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73. Under HIPAA, a patient has a right to:

74 / 75

74. When completing an incident report, keep the following in mind:

75 / 75

75. It is a requirement that an Emergency Room log be maintained.

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